主演:IvoPietzcker GeorgArms LuiseHeyer
简介: 杰克(艾沃·皮茨克 Ivo Pietzcker 饰)跟弟弟一起和母亲过着相依为命的生活,杰克的母亲是一个极为不负责任的女人,白天工作结束后,她便乔装打扮外出找乐子,照顾弟弟的全部责任就落在了杰克一人的身上杰克对母亲身边经常更换的男友抱有强烈的敌意,母子之间的感情因此十分脆弱。 某日,杰克的弟弟不幸被烫伤,社会福利机构勒令母亲必须将两个孩子之一送往福利院,母亲选择了杰克。在福利院里,杰克日日夜夜的思念担心着母亲和弟弟,终于,逃跑成功的他返回家中,却发现母亲丢下了弟弟不知所踪。带着弟弟,杰克踏上了充满了危险和未知的寻母之旅。
主演:Sarah Biasini Pietro Sermonti Pierr
简介:Settled in the 17th century this suspenseful miniseries tells the story of the assertive Comtessa Julie. She is searching for a dark secret of her past. A time when Europe was riddled with suspicion, an elitist cult worshiped Black Sabbath, where Julie as an infant was destined to be sacrificed. Someone had a chance of mind and saved her from this dreadful fate. Now after 20 years, She still has to unravel the Mystery. After the murder of her father, does she decide to search for her mother. After She believed to have found her in Agnes'Dormes, her mother claims to have saved her from sacrificial death. Julie wants to go to the bottom of the truth, but her to be believed mother also falls victim to murder. On Julie's return to Paris, a warrant for her arrest has been issued, and Julie faces the possibility to be burned on the stake. The holy inquisitions interest has been aroused.