主演:HannahHoekstra HansDagelet 里弗卡·罗德森
简介:赫莫尔(汉娜·霍克斯特拉 Hannah Hoekstra 饰)是一位热情奔放的女子,她生性热爱自由,无法忍受任何的束缚。赫莫尔的母亲早早就离开了人世,父亲吉斯(汉斯·达格列特 Hans Dagelet 饰)辛辛苦苦将赫莫尔养育成人,因此,赫莫尔和吉斯之间的感情异常亲近,又是甚至超过了亲情。 吉斯和赫莫尔一样,整日过着花天酒地放浪形骸的生活,父女两似乎在较着劲,比拼着更换伴侣的速度,而他们两人对于这样的游戏乐在其中。某日,一位名叫苏菲(里弗卡·罗德森 Rifka Lodeizen 饰)的年轻拍卖官出现在了吉斯的身边,这一次,吉斯似乎动起了真情,这让赫莫尔第一次品尝到了妒忌的滋味。
主演:洛莉·路格林 瑞克·拉瓦内洛 安德鲁·邓巴 莎拉·坎宁 卡梅隆·班克劳
简介:Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.
主演:Björn Elgerd Jonathan Andersson Mic
简介:Hampus and Adrian's relationship has gone down increasingly destructive paths and during one fateful discussion it all ends. Hampus and Adrian are no more, but in some way they have to go on living. A healing process divided into stages of desperate attempts to reunite as well as rebounds, which sometimes push them further apart and sometimes closer together.
主演:Fakhri Khorvash 默罕默德·阿里·科沙瓦兹 Akbar
简介:伊朗电影杰作《风之棋局》(1976)今年完成修复并参与多个电影节,此前其实很少人看过!这部片在1976年曾入选德黑兰国际电影节并举行试映会,可惜放映被恶意妨碍——放映机发生故障,菲林亦遭到破坏,后来电影节评委将视频从竞赛中撤出。在没有发行商愿意投资的情况下,制片人再没将视频送到任何电影节或举办任何公开放映(据说著名影人Henri Langlois、罗塞里尼和萨耶哲雷在一些私人放映中看过,赞不绝口)。1979年伊斯兰革命后,此片更因其非伊斯兰教内容被禁。随后原底片丢失,坊间只流传一个经审查的低清VHS版本。 佚失四十多年后,导演的儿子竟在一个卖旧戏服配饰的跳蚤市场上,偶然地发现了此片的35毫米底片及声片!他立即买下并送到法国。视频由电影基金会修复,过程更由导演及其女儿亲自监督,此片的摄影师Houshang Baharlou亦亲身参与调色工序...
主演:安娜·帕奎因 Chevez Ezaneh 奥古斯特·斯彻伦伯格 杜安·
简介:Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. government policies designed to strip his people of their identity, their dignity and their sacred land – the gold-laden Black Hills of the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Quinn), who was one of the architects of the government policy on Indian affairs. While Eastman and patrician schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Paquin) work to improve life for the Indians on the reservation, Senator Dawes lobbies President Grant (Thompson) for more humane treatment, opposing the bellicose stance of General William Tecumseh Sherman (Feore). Hope rises for the Indians in the form of the prophet Wovoka (Studi) and the Ghost Dance – a messianic movement that promises an end of their suffering under the white man. This hope is obliterated after the assassination of Sitting Bull and the massacre of hundreds of Indian men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on Dec. 29, 1890. Written by HBO Films