主演:MattFoyer JohnBolen RalphLucas Chad
简介:The Call of Cthulhu, written in 1926 by H.P Lovecraft is a central piece in the horror-genre. Lovecraft renewed Horror with his style and ideas. Many have tried to adapt his books to the big screen, but none has been as successful as the HPLHS who just recently completed their black and white silent version of Call of Cthulhu. Not only did they attempt to make a faithful and creepy adaptation, but also to make it look as if it was made in the time of Lovecraft. The movie is blessed with terrific actors who all seem like they genuinely care about the portrayal of the story. All performances are top notch which signifies that the actors are very talented as well as great directing on part of Andrew Leman. This is truly one of the great strengths of Call of Cthulhu. The movie has a really authentic 1920ties feel to it. The producers have payed much attention to detail; so everything looks and feels genuine. Another strong point. The adaptation itself is magnificent. Never before have I seen such a faithful adaption of any Lovecraft-story in my entire life. Nothing is rushed, its all there and even though the movie is only 45 minutes long it is just as good at telling the story as Lovecraft himself. The movie is full of special effects, stop motion animation and so forth. This movie is low budget and independent; and yes Universal studios would be able to create more convincing effects, but that is entirely unessential to this film as it is made to fit the 1920ties era. If Cthulhu himself were made with fancy computer animation the movie would have failed at its objective; to be faithful to the silent-movie genre. To be honest I love the effects in Call of Cthulhu. They strengthen the feel of authenticity and you never miss the big and pointless explosions that mainstream cinema offers. I would personally recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in HP Lovecraft, Horror, Independent films and vintage films. It truly is remarkably good. Ive already watched it three times, and I love it more for each time. I hope youll enjoy it as much as I have.
主演:BerrakTüzünata? BülentEminYarar Def
简介:In a clinic affiliated with the Istanbul police, the history that Sahir, who is in charge of abandoning suicide, wants to forget him, will catch him with a mysterious message one day. Sahir will meet with Bilge, a mysterious science woman. Having clues about the answers of questions that never came out of his former wife Ekin, Sahir will find himself at the door of a world where every secret has a new secret.
主演:Kai Luke Brummer Ryan de Villiers M
简介:Based on André Carl van der Merwe’s book, Moffie (a derogatory Afrikaans term for a gay man) follows the story of Nicholas van der Swart: from a very young age, he realises he is different. Try as he may, he cannot live up to the macho image expected of him by his family, by his heritage. At the age of 19 he is conscripted into the South African army and finds his every sensibility offended by a system close to its demise, and yet still in full force. Set during the South African border war against communism, this is a long overdue story about the emotional and physical suffering endured by countless young men.
主演:奈杰尔·布鲁斯;巴兹尔·拉思伯恩;Gerald Hamer;维多利亚霍
简介:杰贝兹·斯通(亚历克·鲍德温饰)不是一个出类拔萃的作家,但他在写下的每个字中都倾注了全部心血。他在努力争取出版自己的作品,每天清早起床之后,他都要先潜心写作,然后再去销售那些自己买不起的昂贵男装。女人们不会对他感兴趣,他的银行存款只有区区500美元。不过,斯通有挚交,他心地善良而且自重。 斯通开始厄运连连,先是失业,再是为了见到传奇出版商丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(安东尼·霍普金斯饰)而被逐出出版公司,而之前韦伯斯特早就退回了他的手稿。还有,朋友们在酒吧欢聚一堂,斯通得知好友朱利叶斯·杰森(丹·艾克罗伊德饰)竟然刚同韦伯斯特公司签下19万美元的出版合同。沮丧至极的斯通离开酒吧,来到提款机前的他发现自己只剩下50美元。斯通步履蹒跚,在回家的路上被一群小混混殴打,存有小说的电脑也被偷走…… 绝望中的斯通想起了韦伯斯特的话:“回家去写点什么,斯通先生,写点更好的东西...