主演:Karan Ashley Jason David Frank Cath
简介:幽冥女王之兄阿達武士(Rito)加入侵略地球的隊伍,並壓倒性的擊敗金剛戰士,摧毀了大連王與戰鬥白虎,指揮中心亦在戰鬥中損毀,金剛戰士就此失去超異能。宙威利用中心所餘的能量,將失去超異能的戰士們送去忍者神廟,要他們去見可製造超異能硬幣的忍者戰士(Ninjor)。儘管途中有阿達武士派遣的食人鳥追擊,但戰士們依舊成功抵達神廟獲得新的超異能,並多了忍者裝扮的變身型態,以及忍者機械獸(Ninja Zords)。後來巴布猴、怪頭陀與魚匠人等尋獲失落已久的無敵戰將(Shogun Zords),玄冥大帝等人遂奪走小晴的超異能硬幣與大明的戰鬥鷹,企圖要脅金剛戰士替自己駕駛無敵戰將征服地球。大明只得潛入暗月宮內,於千鈞一髮之際奪回硬幣與戰鬥鷹,而比利亦在操縱無敵戰將時將控制權奪來,令玄冥大帝的企圖失敗,也讓金剛戰士多了五架新的生力軍。 小晴為了追求理想,決定離開參加體操大賽訓練,原先遭幽冥女王下咒以企圖謀害金剛戰士的凱特(Katherine),在破除魔咒後取代她成為新的粉紅戰士。但過沒多久,幽冥女王的父親終極魔王發動魔法將時間倒轉,令金剛戰士全回到童年時期,因此失去了超異能。為了抵禦侵略,宙威自水柔星請來了外星戰士,第三季就此進入特別篇。至於變回兒童的各戰士,除了比利透過機器很快恢復之外,其餘人則到各地尋找奇奧水晶的碎片,希望將之收集後發動魔力令地球恢復原狀。而伊莎到非洲尋找水晶時,意外與遠親相逢,從此留在當地,由表姊唐娜帶著水晶回到美國。但當水晶湊齊讓地球復原後,天狼將軍(Goldar)與阿達卻闖入指揮中心竊走水晶並炸毀該處,金剛戰士的歷史劃下句點,《異星戰士》開始。
简介:Overwhelming debut about the doubts of the director Nance about his relationship with a beautiful young woman. He combines personal experiences with fiction, documentary and various animation styles. A film filled with vulnerability and humour; enthusiasm leaps at you from the screen. One evening in 2006, the young American filmmaker Terence Nance receives a phone call from the woman he had been trying to build up a relationship with for some time. She can’t come. He starts having his doubts. Why did she back out? Open-hearted, sharp and playful, Nance tries in An Oversimplification of Her Beauty to trace all the elements of his feelings about the evening back to their true origins. Fantasies, feelings and memories roll over the screen in the form of documentary footage, live action and a wide range of animation styles. And in addition there are the inevitable questions that the maker must pose: How well does he know himself? Is he not being deceived by his own feelings? For a phenomenon that everybody occasionally experiences, the starting point for An Oversimplification of Her Beauty is surprisingly seldom the subject of films. What goes on in your body as you experience emotions at a certain point? And how ‘sure’ is that moment really?