主演:Erol Sander Christina Plate Heinz M
简介:The veterinarian Markus Wenninger receives a surprising offer to take over the management of an animal care facility in Africa. With his children Katta and Jacob he begins the journey to a new life, stirred by the memories of the dream he had shared with his suddenly deceased wife of starting a farm in Africa. In the experienced animal handler Jonathan Gold, he finds a loyal and competent employee. Markus help, though, is immediately and urgently required: a ruthless gang of poachers is making trouble in the National Park. With the attractive game warden Ariane at his side, Markus fights for the protection of the animals and the preservation of their habitat. The two rapidly grow closer much to the consternation of Arianes partner, the game warden Oliver, who has turned to heavy drinking after suffering a difficult stroke of fate. Meanwhile, Jacob, a passionate animal lover, is excited by their new home, while Katta is extremely unhappy. The 13-year-old misses her familiar surroundings and her friends. Considering his daughters homesickness and the wilderness dangers to which he has exposed his children, Markus begins questioning his decision to leave Germany. But as he and Ariane catch up with the poachers, their own lives are suddenly on the line
主演:RickKavanian MichaelLiebman MorganC
导演:Karsten Kiilerich Michael Hegner
简介:瑞塔索(Morgan C. Jones 配音)是一只生活在大城市里的老鼠,他没什么朋友,还霉运连连。在一次躲避追逐时,他被火车带出城市,原本想要参加盛大的嘉年华,了结果却被甩在荒郊野外。他偶然得到一枚蛋,不久从里面孵出一只极其丑陋的小鸭子,瑞塔索为他取名丑小鸭(Kim Larney 配音)。丑小鸭一无所长,备受奚落,甚至连瑞塔索都嫌他是个累赘。不过一心琢磨歪门邪道的瑞塔索很快就发现丑小鸭身上的利用价值,他决定带着丑小鸭参加嘉年华表演,并趁机发笔大财。一路上,他们经历无数艰辛和磨难,丑小鸭也在这一过程中慢慢树立起信心…… 本片根据安徒生的童话改编。