主演:维塔利·哈耶夫 亚历山大·库兹涅佐夫 Evgeniya Kregzh
简介:Believe me, you have been waiting for a film like this to be on the PÖFF Competition Programme for a long time. And even more so from Russia. And what a title. A slasher akin to an electric shock, the straightforward and boldfaced B-film aesthetics of which could well make the big name of this genre, Quention Tarantno himself, green with envy. This is a ‘hammer straight on the head between the eyes’ brutal bloodbath in which 29-year-old director Kirill Sokolov does not hold back in anything. And quite rightly so, why should he? The film takes place practically within one dwelling and starts as any other ‘normal’ film. At the request of his girlfriend, a young man turns up at the doorstep of her father one night. The girl asks him to kill her father, but her motives remain unclear. What happens next in this satirical comedy, you will have to find out at the cinema. The film unrolls into a spectacle characteristic of a proper splatter, something similar to the midnight hit of the previous PÖFF, “Revenge”, where the viewers are proverbially doused in buckets of blood and gore to which there seems to be no end. And it’s not disgusting – it’s bloody funny! However, jokes aside, “Why Don’t You Just Die” is actually a lot more than antics and escapades. Parallels can for instance be drawn to Zvyagintsev’s “Loveless”, albeit in a different key. The Best Film Award from the Vyborg Film Festival may well have caused mumbles of envy at the award ceremony, but Sokolov – considered to be the successor of Aleksey Balabanov (Brother) – was the right man in the right place. In the light of Sokolov’s great ambitions, he will not be coming to PÖFF for anything less than the main award of the Debut Competition Programme. Who could argue against it? Helmut Jänes
主演:弗拉季米尔·弗多维琴科夫 帕维尔·杰列维扬科 柳波芙·阿克肖诺娃 欧克
简介: 位于外太空的“礼炮7号”空间站意外与地球失去联系,工程师维克托·阿约金和退役宇航员弗拉基米尔·费奥多罗夫临危受命,搭乘联盟号T-13寻找“礼炮7号”的踪迹,当经历宇宙空间对接、太空舱寒流、空间站失火、太阳能充电系统失灵等一系列危机准备返航之时,却被告知空间站即将被击落,一场更大的太空灾难正在袭来..
主演:尤拉·鲍里索夫 奥尔佳·勒曼 亚瑟·斯莫里亚尼诺夫 谢尔盖·加扎罗夫
简介: 第二次世界大战如火如荼,法西斯德国正在积极进攻苏联。 战斗在各个方面进行,每天都有成千上万的士兵在战场上死亡。 在前线,显然缺少弹药和物资。 而且,武器的质量也会受到影响。 而此时,在一场战斗中,一名年轻的普通士兵米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫收到了一颗子弹。 他在苏联最贫穷的地区之一长大,是最有才华的人之一。 在战斗中,他受了重伤,最终住进了一家野战医院。 传奇人物AK-47突击步枪使这个举世闻名的人的传记和生活故事。 毕竟,这名年轻但雄心勃勃的士兵是在医院严重受伤后的康复期间开始考虑自己未来的命运。 没有机会回到前线。 但是这个人确实是一个真正的爱国者,全心全意地为自己的祖国哭泣。 因此,他甚至没有机会拿着武器在战场上作战,而是发明了著名的突击步枪,这一名字至今仍以他的名字命名。 一个坚强的人精神和内心的故事。 影片展示了米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫的生活,感情和痛苦。